15 Aug

20 Years of Outdoor Lighting Magic with Decorating Elves!

When it comes to enhancing the beauty and ambiance of our outdoor spaces, lighting plays a pivotal role. For the past two decades, Decorating Elves has been at the forefront of creating mesmerizing outdoor lighting displays using energy-efficient LED lights. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of LED lights and how Decorating Elves has been transforming outdoor spaces into captivating wonderlands for the past 20 years.

This means we are perfectly positioned as seasoned experts in the wake of the phasing out of incandescent lights. The recent ban is leading to homeowners and commercial properties alike switching to LEDs. This article by Architectural Digest details the new law and what it means for you. Read on below for all the info on LED lights!

The Evolution of LED Lights

LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology has come a long way since its inception. Initially, it was limited to indicator lights and small displays. However, with significant advancements, LED lights have revolutionized the lighting industry, finding applications in various fields due to their exceptional energy efficiency and longevity.

Energy Efficiency: The Green Lighting Solution

One of the most remarkable benefits of LED lights is their energy efficiency. Compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights consume significantly less power while producing the same or even brighter illumination. This energy efficiency not only reduces electricity bills but also contributes to a greener environment by minimizing carbon emissions.

Decorating Elves recognized the potential of LED lights early on and has been using them extensively to create awe-inspiring outdoor lighting displays while reducing their clients’ environmental footprint.

Longevity: Lights That Stand the Test of Time

When it comes to outdoor lighting, longevity is a crucial factor. Traditional bulbs have a limited lifespan and require frequent replacements, which can be a costly and time-consuming affair. In contrast, LED lights have an impressive lifespan, lasting up to 20 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

By incorporating LED lights into their designs, Decorating Elves ensures that their clients enjoy long-lasting, low-maintenance outdoor lighting solutions that continue to shine brightly for years to come.

Versatility in Design

LED lights offer immense flexibility in terms of design possibilities. Decorating Elves has harnessed this versatility to create stunning outdoor lighting displays that cater to various aesthetics and themes. Whether it’s a subtle and romantic ambiance or a vibrant and festive atmosphere, LED lights allow for an endless array of creative options.

From string lights delicately weaving through tree branches to smartly arranged path lights illuminating garden walkways, Decorating Elves crafts outdoor lighting arrangements that enhance the beauty and functionality of any outdoor space.

Safety and Security

Outdoor lighting serves more than just aesthetic purposes; it also plays a significant role in ensuring safety and security. Adequately illuminated outdoor spaces reduce the risk of accidents, deterring potential intruders, and enhancing visibility during nighttime activities.

Decorating Elves’ expert lighting designs prioritize safety while adding a touch of elegance to outdoor areas, allowing clients to enjoy their outdoor spaces confidently at any time of day or night.

Energy Cost Savings

LED lights not only last longer but also save a substantial amount of energy, translating into significant cost savings in the long run. By utilizing LED lights in their outdoor lighting projects, Decorating Elves has not only been able to create stunning displays but also helped their clients save on energy bills, making the investment in LED lighting a financially wise choice.

Over the past 20 years in outdoor lighting, Decorating Elves has been synonymous with transforming outdoor spaces into enchanting realms with the magic of LED lights. Their commitment to using energy-efficient and long-lasting LED lights has not only contributed to the beauty of their creations but also to the well-being of the environment.

As we move towards a more sustainable and eco-conscious future, Decorating Elves continues to lead the way by proving that outdoor lighting can be both mesmerizing and environmentally responsible. With their expertise and dedication, we can expect to witness many more decades of outdoor lighting brilliance, making the world a brighter and more beautiful place, one LED light at a time.

24 Jul

Outdoor Lighting can Deter Pesky Bugs this Summer!

When it comes to illuminating our outdoor spaces, we often seek a perfect balance between creating an inviting ambiance and deterring pesky insects from crashing the party. While the choice of lighting color might not seem like a significant factor, opting for warm LED lights can surprisingly make a substantial difference in attracting fewer bugs compared to cool colors. In this blog post, we will explore the science behind insect behavior and shed light on why warm LED lighting can be your go-to choice for bug-friendly outdoor illumination.

bugs flying around blue light

Understanding Insect Attraction:

Before delving into the specific advantages of warm LED lighting, let’s briefly understand why insects are attracted to light in the first place. Many insects, including mosquitoes, are naturally drawn towards sources of light. This phenomenon, known as phototaxis, is believed to be an evolutionary response to their navigational systems, which rely on celestial cues for orientation. Insects use the moon and stars as their primary reference points, and when they encounter artificial light sources, they can become disoriented and confused, often resulting in their untimely demise.

Cool vs. Warm LED Lighting:

LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting has revolutionized the lighting industry with its energy efficiency, durability, and versatility. LEDs come in various color temperatures, typically categorized as cool (higher color temperature) or warm (lower color temperature) lighting. Cool lighting appears bluish-white, similar to daylight, while warm lighting emits a softer, yellowish glow, resembling the warm hues of sunset.

Bug-Friendly Warm LED Lighting:

Contrary to popular belief, warm LED lighting is considered more bug-friendly compared to cool lighting options. Here’s why:

1. Reduced Blue Spectrum: Insects are particularly attracted to the blue spectrum of light, as it simulates their natural navigational cues. Cool LED lights emit a higher proportion of blue light, making them more enticing to bugs. Warm LED lights, on the other hand, have a reduced blue spectrum, which makes them less appealing to insects.

2. Longer Wavelengths: Warm LED lights have longer wavelengths compared to cool lights. Insects have different visual systems than humans and are more sensitive to shorter wavelengths, especially in the blue and ultraviolet range. By opting for warm LED lights, you minimize the wavelengths that insects find most attractive, resulting in fewer bugs swarming around your outdoor areas.

3. Outdoor Illumination: Warm LED lights create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your outdoor spaces. The gentle, yellowish glow mimics natural sources of light, such as fireflies and moonlight. This type of illumination can be more enjoyable for humans while being less disruptive to the insect population.

Tips for Using Warm LED Lighting Outdoors:

To make the most of warm LED lighting while minimizing insect attraction, we often install fixtures with the following in mind:

1. Positioning: Place warm LED lights away from gathering areas to divert insect activity. Illuminating pathways and perimeters can help guide guests while keeping pesky bugs at bay.

2. Shielding: Opt for fixtures that direct the light downward and are shielded to minimize light spillage. This technique focuses the illumination where it is needed while reducing the chances of attracting insects.

3. Motion Sensor Controls: Incorporate motion sensors into your outdoor lighting system. This way, lights only activate when movement is detected, reducing the overall duration of illumination and attracting fewer insects in the process.

Choosing warm LED lighting for your outdoor spaces is not only a stylish and inviting option but also a strategic move in creating an insect-friendly environment. By selecting warm lights with reduced blue spectrum and longer wavelengths, you can enjoy the benefits of outdoor illumination while minimizing unwanted bug guests. Remember to consider proper positioning, shielded fixtures, and motion sensor controls to optimize your bug-friendly outdoor lighting setup. Embrace the warmth of LED lighting and create an outdoor atmosphere that both you and your guests can relish, pesky bug-free.

Happy outdoor entertaining with Outdoor Lighting by Decorating Elves!

19 Jul

How Lanai Lighting can Enhance Your Outdoor Space!

Uplight and downlight screened lanai

As the warm breeze caresses your face and the sun dips below the horizon, transforming the sky into a canvas of vibrant colors, there’s no denying the allure of outdoor living spaces. A well-designed lanai, with its fusion of nature and comfort, offers an oasis for relaxation, entertainment, and the creation of lasting memories. To truly maximize the potential of your lanai, consider the transformative power of landscape lighting. By strategically illuminating your outdoor space, you can create an enchanting ambiance that invites both entertainment and enjoyment. Let’s explore the world of lanai lighting and discover how it can elevate your outdoor experience.

displays lanai lighting for entertaining

Setting the Mood with Ambience:

Lanai lighting serves as the magical touch that brings your outdoor space to life after dusk. By using a combination of soft and warm lighting, you can establish a captivating ambience that enhances the overall mood. Consider installing dimmable lights or adding a variety of fixtures, such as string lights, lanterns, and sconces, to create layers of light. This layered approach allows you to customize the lighting levels according to different occasions and personal preferences.

Highlighting Key Features:

Just as a painter brings attention to focal points in a masterpiece, well-placed lanai lighting can accentuate the unique features of your outdoor space. Highlighting architectural elements, such as columns, arches, and pergolas, can add depth and drama to your lanai. Additionally, illuminating water features, like fountains or pools, can create mesmerizing reflections and a sense of tranquility. By strategically placing lighting fixtures, you can transform your lanai into a work of art.

Safety and Security:

While aesthetics and ambience are crucial, safety should always remain a top priority. Lanai lighting not only ensures the safety of your guests by illuminating potential trip hazards, but it also acts as a deterrent to unwanted visitors. Well-lit outdoor spaces are less attractive to intruders and provide a greater sense of security. Incorporating motion sensor lights along pathways and entry points can further enhance safety while conserving energy.

Extending Your Living Space:

Extends living space around pool

Your lanai can serve as an extension of your indoor living area, offering a seamless transition between the two spaces. With carefully placed lanai lighting, you can create a cohesive atmosphere that blurs the boundaries between indoors and outdoors.
By integrating lighting fixtures along walls, under eaves, or within built-in furniture, you can extend the functionality of your lanai and enjoy it well into the evening hours.


Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:

Modern advancements in lighting technology have paved the way for energy-efficient and sustainable lighting solutions. LED (Light Emitting Diode) fixtures are an excellent choice for lanai lighting. They consume significantly less energy than traditional bulbs, reducing your carbon footprint and saving on electricity bills. Moreover, LED lights have an impressively long lifespan, ensuring you won’t have to constantly replace bulbs. Decorating Elves exclusively uses LED lighting for these reasons and more.

Lanai lighting has the power to transform your outdoor space into a captivating sanctuary, perfect for entertaining and relaxation. By carefully considering the ambience, accentuating key features, prioritizing safety, extending your living space, and embracing energy-efficient options, you can create an enchanting lanai that adds value to your home and enriches your outdoor experience. Whether you’re hosting a lively gathering or enjoying a quiet evening under the stars, let lanai lighting illuminate your way to unforgettable moments. Call today to reserve your space on our designer’s calendar so we can create your custom home lighting stage.