Advantages of Permanent Holiday Lighting for Your Home
Each year in the fall, you struggle with putting up holiday lights. Then, in the midst of the winter, you have to take them back down. If you don’t have the ability or time to do this for yourself, you could be spending quite a bit of money each year to have your holiday lights installed and removed. Instead of dealing with lighting every season, permanent holiday lighting can be installed that removes this cost and hassle.
Saves Money Over Time
If you are paying for someone to install and remove your holiday lighting, you may be able to save money over time by getting permanent holiday lighting installed on your home. The permanent holiday lighting is only installed once, and is rated for up to 100,000 hours. You will rarely need to worry about replacing lights or repairs to the installation. After the first few years, the permanent lighting pays for itself.
Invisible by Day
The permanent holiday lighting that we offer is nearly invisible by day. The lighting is installed near the fascia of your home so that it blends in with the architecture. The lighting will only be visible when you turn it on, which you could do only during the holidays or for any celebration.
Useful for Multiple Occasions
Multicolored permanent holiday lighting can be useful during more seasons than just Christmas. You may want to make use of your cheerful nighttime lighting for special occasions such as wedding receptions, birthday parties, graduations, and other special events and entertaining opportunities. The permanent holiday lighting gives you a way to cheerfully illuminate your home during these events.
If you are interested in permanent holiday lighting for your home, contact us today for more information or to schedule an estimate.